
Fundraising Speech – 27 June 2023

The president of the Tigrian community, Mr. Tesfahun Tsegay Wubneh, gave a
speech at the fundraiser outlining his leadership vision for the establishment of
Melbourne, Victoria’s first-ever Tigrian Community Centre.

Read the full speech here

Aba Serekebirhan Weldesamueal Parish priest at The Tigrian Ortodox Tewahido St Merry

Mr. Gebresilasse Gebru Board Chairperson of The Tigrian Community Association in

Deputy Mayer Cr Cuc Lam Councillor at the City of Maribyrnong,

Commissioner Viv Nguyen the chairperson of Victoria Multicultural Commission.

Cr Thomas O’Reilly Councillor at the City of Brim bank.

Cr Jasmine Nguyen Councillor at the City of Brim bank.

Community members and Leaders

Distinguished guests

Ladies and gentlemen

I begin by respectfully acknowledges and recognises the Wurundjeri and Bunurong peoples
as the Traditional Custodians of this land and pay my respects to the Elders, past, present and

Good evening! Thank you all for joining us tonight at this remarkable fundraising dinner. It’s
truly inspiring to see so many compassionate individuals gathered here, united by a common

Tonight, we have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of our youth and create a
brighter future for our community. It is an honour to stand before you and speak about the
power of transformation and growth.
Let me remind you the profound truth that every tree is a seed, but not every seed becomes a

Yes, every tree is a seed, but not every seed becomes a tree.
In nature, we witness the remarkable journey of a tiny seed transforming into a mighty tree.
Every tree we see around us began as a small, humble seed, full of potential and possibilities.
However, not every seed has the opportunity to become a tree. It requires the right conditions
– nourishment, care, and support – for that seed to grow into a magnificent tree.

Just like those seeds, the young individuals in our community carry immense potential within
them. They are our future leaders, innovators, and change-makers. However, not every young
person has the opportunity to realize their full potential. They may face various challenges,
obstacles, and barriers that hinder their growth.

That is why we are here tonight – to create a community centre that provides the
nourishment, care, and support our youth need to flourish. The Tigrian Community Centre
will be a place where every young person can find the resources, guidance, and opportunities
to grow into the best version of themselves.

With the establishment of the Tigrian Community Centre, we envision a space that goes
beyond just a building. It will be a hub of inspiration, education, and empowerment. It will
provide a platform for learning and personal growth. We want to empower them to explore
their interests, discover their talents, and become confident individuals ready to change the
world for better.

And also, the Tigrian Community Centre isn’t just about the youth. It’s about building bridges
between generations. It’s about creating a space where everyone, regardless of age, can come
together and connect. The centre will offer all-ages activities, fostering a sense of unity,
understanding, and appreciation for one another, learn from one another, and build
meaningful connections. By providing a safe space for all, we can create a stronger, more
cohesive community.

The success of the Tigrian Community Centre depends on each and every one of us. It
requires our collective support and generosity. Tonight, as we gather here, let us open our
hearts and contribute towards nurturing the seeds of potential in our youth. Your donations
will help create a space where dreams can take root, where aspirations can grow, and where
every young person can thrive.

Let us remember the profound truth that every tree is a seed, but not every seed becomes a
tree. Together, we have the power to create an environment that allows every seed of
potential to grow and flourish. By supporting the establishment of the Tigrian Community
Centre, we are nurturing our youth, strengthening our community, and building a brighter
future for all.

On behalf of TCAV (Tigrian Community Asso), I want to express my deepest gratitude to
each and every one of you for your presence and support. Let us come together, hand in hand,
and build a community centre that will nurture and empower our youth, making our
community stronger and more vibrant than ever before.

Thank you, and let’s make this dream a reality

Please let me say a few words in Tigriyna